School Visits

We would love to visit your school, either virtually or in person. As Hannah is a young author we believe it is extremely inspirational that she can share with other children.

During school hours Helen can visit in person, (if located within 1hr travel) or connect virtually with your classroom, whilst Hannah sends a personal greeting via a short video recording and a book reading of her story.

As this has been a joint project Helen can share about the development of the story, the process of creating the characters and finally, illustrating, designing and publishing the book.

All our material supports the Key Stage 1 PSHE National Curriculum, (UK). We would use visual aids, (PPT) and can provide material to use in the classroom as supportive resources.


  • Inspire and Motivate
  • Introduce practical steps of ‘How to walk in your dreams.
  • Cover areas of children’s mental health…
  • Explore ideas around friendship, feelings and self-worth.
  • Introduce Storytelling Skills
  • Character Development


  • That children will gain practical ideas of how to start thinking about fulfilling their own projects.
  • That the participants will gain a deeper understanding around friendship, resilience and empathy.
  • That students can consider and evaluate different emotions in the context of different situations.
  • That children can gain some basic knowledge about creating a children’s book.

If you would like more information about school visits (in person or virtually) please contact us.

Everyone Can Have Fun!